Here you will find the occasional essay, story or article that might contain a small gift of a tool, skill or new perspective that can help you on your journey towards mental and emotional well-being, healing, and the life you want to create.
You might also find shared articles on new research findings in the field of psychology, counseling, coaching and personal growth, or articles on a variety of topics that I have found interesting and/or useful. I may share social media posts that I find inspiring.
I have included three articles I wrote for a previous blog to get things started.
Just because something is included here doesn't mean I'm endorsing it, saying it will work for you, or in any way making a recommendation - this is simply information for you to consider and think about.
I hope you enjoy the content here - please leave a comment or your thoughts after reading any articles that resonate with you or cause you to think about or do something in a different way.
Thank you! Very generous of you to share this with others